Creator Insights App

Product Strategy. User Research. UX Design. Prototyping. No-code build.

A single insight app for creators to see their Shopfront traffic, bookings and conversion rates quickly.

  • Creators who had generated revenue via the Travis Shopfront needed a way to review their sales throughout the week. This allowed them to understand and better optimize their ways of sharing and engagement in order to further sales. The Creator Insights App was a necessity, however Travis lacked the resources to create a fully-fledged dynamic insights app. To compensate for speed and lack of resource, I was tasked to design and build the app via no-code tool within 6 weeks.

  • [01 Research]

    I conducted extensive research into various no-code apps, such as Bravo Studio, Adalo, Bubble, Glide, evaulating between compatibility with core requirements, time to learn, implementation complexity, front-end and back-end complexity.

    [02] Data Visualisation Design

    More to come

    [03] Backend Database Design

    I created an entire backend system through connecting multiple Google sheets with complex automation that dynamically pulls data from our database. Every time a creator added a hotel, we got a notification. Then booking links were manually generated and added back into the google sheet. Finally the data would sync back up with our database - for the hotel to be live on the creator’s Shopfront.

    I then furthered this approach and compiled these Google sheets into a single data hub that acts as the backend of the no-code app. This allowed us generate data points such as graphs, weekly sales, monthly sales, best sale items etc.

    [04] No-code development

    More to come

  • A simple to use Creator Insights App specifically designed for our creators. Since then:

    • Adopted by 65% of our creators

    • Entire product was done with no-code techniques, saving weeks of engineering time and allowing our engineers to focus on optimizing and enhancing the Shopfront product.


Product Strategy ~

User Research ~

UX Design ~

Prototyping ~

No-code Build ~

Product Strategy ~ User Research ~ UX Design ~ Prototyping ~ No-code Build ~



  • Dashboard view

  • A singular view of number of bookings and average earnings

  • Creators were able to understand their weekly and monthly earnings in a easy to uunderstand dashboard represented both in tables and graphs.

Database consolidation and visualisation

Connecting their information to a Google Sheet where it updates hourly including number of bookings, booking value and most recent bookings. This allowed us to quickly gather feedback, iterate on our designs and users requirement before deploying effort in building the full dashboard. This prototype has achieved a 85% weekly usage.

No-code build

The entire app was created via a no-code build to alleviate engineering time and effort, so we can launch and quickly test with our users. We were able to quickly iterate on our designs and user requirements and found that questions via DMs and emails to us asking for insights has dropped by more than 50%.


Travis Website Design & Brand Identity