Mixed reality - Neobit X

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Product Strategy. Product Research. Interface Design. 3D Animation. Film.

Neobit X was a conceptual architectural project I did back in University 10 years ago, exploring the intersection of digital and physical in the near future and how programmable bricks, mixed reality, and collaborative design will redefine how we interact with the world around us.

  • Neobit X is the 10th year anniversary product ran by the Neobit corporation, a system of programmable bricks that can be purchased in bulk and manipulated with mixed reality glasses to create various structures or objects. The early technology was based on prototypes, Cubelets, MOSS, M-blocks and Smart Pebble by MIT. The heart of Neobit X lies in its programmable bricks, known as Neobits, which, when coupled with mixed reality glasses, open the door to endless possibilities.


Product Strategy ~

Product Research ~

Interface Design ~

3D Animation ~

Film ~

Product Strategy ~ Product Research ~ Interface Design ~ 3D Animation ~ Film ~


Video was created back in 2013

Video Explainer

In this video, we playfully reference IKEA's "the Book Book" ad from 2013. Watch as the Founder of Neobit Corp introduces their groundbreaking 10th-anniversary product, highlighting its innovative features and the company's vision.

The second half reveals Neobit's real-world impact guided by our hacker protagonist. From home installations to innovative monetization through subscriptions. We also explore the consequences of non-payment in the Neobit ecosystem. Showcasing its influence in construction, addressing slum challenges, and revolutionizing interactive advertisements. Neobit has created new industries, but it's also a digital playground with ethical considerations.

This video showcases Neobit's transformative potential and the questions it raises about our evolving society.

Updated UI showing mixed reality interface

Project Overview

Neobit X is the 10th year anniversary product ran by the Neobit corporation, a system of programmable bricks that can be purchased in bulk and manipulated with mixed reality glasses to create various structures or objects. The early technology was based on prototypes, Cubelets, MOSS, M-blocks and Smart Pebble by MIT. The heart of Neobit X lies in its programmable bricks, known as Neobits, which, when coupled with mixed reality glasses, open the door to endless possibilities.

Programmable bricks

Key Features

At its core, Neobit X boasts the Neobit particals — programmable bricks engineered with actuator motors and electropermanent magnetic fields. These Neobits are capable of precise movements and can seamlessly adhere to one another, forming dynamic structures. Moreover, Neobits are versatile, accommodating various surface materials and even incorporating LEDs for a truly interactive experience. The accompanying mixed reality glasses provide users with an immersive interface to create, manipulate, and share their designs.

Updated UI of Blueprint Marketplace

Blueprint Marketplace

The Neobit X ecosystem thrives on innovation and collaboration. A dedicated marketplace allows designers to craft and sell blueprints, granting users access to a myriad of pre-designed objects. The flexibility of the system also permits developers and designers to set parameters, enabling users to customize designs to their liking. This democratization of design empowers individuals to explore their creativity.

Users collaborate in public space

Open/Private ID System

Neobit X goes beyond physicality; it introduces the concept of Open and Private IDs in physical spaces. The Open ID system facilitates collaborative creation within a single area, while the Private ID system restricts access to designated sectors and users. This groundbreaking feature ensures both public and private spaces can be efficiently managed and secured.

Public installation showing Neobits with LED screen faces

Installation Scenarios

The Neobit X project envisions a range of installation scenarios, each tailored to specific needs. Public strips offer the convenience of renting Neobits for temporary projects, from office spaces to art sculptures. Public and private rentable spaces cater to diverse requirements, including creative studios and temporary sleeping compartments. The residential sector allows Neobit integration into existing buildings, promising dynamic interiors and exteriors. Lastly, commercial areas, with their customizable Neobit systems that can switch between public and private, are adaptable to various purposes when needed. All of these systems were implemented to ensure a safer environment in adapting to a mixed reality world.

Emergency shelter created by Neobit

Create on the Go

The portability of Neobits extends the creative potential of the system. In Neobit-allowed areas, users can craft designs on the fly through their mixed reality glasses, limited only by the number of Neobit particles they carry and the material type. Collaboration is encouraged, fostering innovation and community engagement.


Monetization Model Design


Music Practice Tracking App