Music Practice Tracking App

Product Strategy. User Research. UX Design. No-code Prototyping. Specifications.

An app to help remind students to practice by giving them a daily reminder by some of their favourite composers. Their practice is gamified where their profile becomes their musical identity and their hardwork unlocks new composers. It’s an app to meet friends, discuss their love of music while acting as a progress tracker.

  • Learning to play an instrument is a skill that takes years of consistent practice to master. However, many music students - whether 8 years old or 28 years old, struggle with staying consistent with their practice sessions due to lack of motivation, accountability or time management.

    The app is designed to help music students stay motivated and accountable by tracking their daily practice sessions and progress towards their goals.

  • Based on my own experience as a violinist and violin teacher, and polling 100 people from my community of young musicians, I defined the key user needs, app’s user flow, high-fidelity designs and built a functional prototype with no-code tools like Bravo, Adalo, and Glide.‍

    Music students struggle with tracking their daily practice sessions and staying motivated to continue practicing. Through my research, they expressed a desire for a tool that could help them set goals, track their progress, and provide accountability. Additionally, both parents and teachers desired more visibility to the student’s practice habits.‍

    I designed and developed an app prototype, with the following features:‍

    ⚡️ Daily practice prompts

    ⚡️ Easy practice tracking

    ⚡️ Gamification

    ⚡️ Milestone rewards

  • 🎉 The app prototype was successfully launched in beta with daily practice prompts and easy practice tracking. This received positive feedback from users - especially those aged 15-24 years old.

    🎉 9 of 10 said it improved the consistency and visibility of their practice habits. As a next step, 100% said that gamification and milestone rewards would be valuable in helping them maintain a practice streak (consecutive days of practice).


Product Strategy ~

User Research ~

UX Design ~

No-Code Prototyping ~

Specifications ~

Product Strategy ~ User Research ~ UX Design ~ No-Code Prototyping ~ Specifications ~


Profile showcase

Profile to showcase what they’re currently learning, listening to and public wishlist of pieces they want to learn next.

Record diary

A daily practice tracker, this is where they add start time, duration. They can also rate their own practices to track their emotions and add notes on how they think they can improve over time.


We utilise daily notifications by composer characters they love to motivate them to practice. The more practice streaks they earn, they more characters they can unlock.


Earn XP as you conquer practice streaks and public practice challenges.

  • Practice streaks

  • Practice challenges


Mixed Reality


Brand-Creator Collaboration Platform